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Logomachy: War With Words

Logomachy (noun): "'contention about, or with, words,' 1560s, a nativized Latinized form of New Testament Greek logomakhia 'a war about words,' from logomakhos (see logo- + -machy)."

The reason I find the word logomachy so incredibly relevant to our times is the unmistakably consistent patterns from interactions with enemies of truth, (those who are incapable of debate, instead projecting, blocking, deleting, and/or begging for censorship). It seems like every single one of their "arguments" (to the extent they can be pinned down to anything resembling a debate) is based on their own fantasy "doublespeak" definitions.

The Greek version of logomachy is found in 1 Timothy 6 of the Bible:

False Doctrine and Human Greed
"If anyone teaches false doctrine and does not agree with the sound teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the teaching that promotes godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interest in disputes and arguments over words. From these come envy, quarreling, slander, evil suspicions, and constant disagreement among people whose minds are depraved and deprived of the truth, who imagine that godliness is a way to material gain." - 1 Timothy 6:3-5

"Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding irreverent and empty speech and contradictions from what is falsely called knowledge." - 1 Timothy 6:20


"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who consider themselves wise and judge themselves clever." - Isaiah 5:20-21

"His buttery words are smooth, but war is in his heart. His words are softer than oil, but they are drawn swords." - Psalm 55:21

A fittingly similar word is logophobia, meaning "fear of words, discourse, or reason", (A.K.A. censorship / NotSeeism). Logophobic NotSees waging logomachy is peak "clown world" / inversionism.

The rest of the posts on this site mostly originate from almost a decade ago. (+/- several years in some cases, with countless updates & improvements along the way.) Some of this was first written at a time which seemed we were ready to collectively shed the charade of false-opposition politics, and psychopath dominant culture. Instead, we grossly underestimated how much the power and convenience of the internet could be weaponized by those whose freedom it most threatens. Many were faced with their own culpability in an ever-furthering enablement of cultural cuckoldry, and decided that occasional artificial dopamine rushes were a decent enough trade-off to be able to continue in self-subversive denial.

That perspective helps frame some of the commentary on antisocial media and groupthink found in other posts, written long before anything like the Twitter Files. I think to some extent, every individual has to experience what it's like contributing to some sort of sustainable or forward-thinking community, followed by the shock of that community's grossest adherence to herd mentality, even in the face of patiently calculated, constructive feedback. "Not MY niche community!"

It's due to both the nature of psychopathy, and of codependence, that this type of shock experience is necessary before most can start to fully grasp what it means to be preyed upon by psychopaths in friendships and intimate relationships, (let alone at institutional and cultural scales.)

The first video below uses a seemingly simple topic as jumping off point to explore some of these issues and their relevant roots in surprising depth, followed by more videos that elaborate further:

A Psychological Breakdown of a Rap Song

Why I Changed My Mind About Evil

De Facto Satanism

Eternal Truth & the Uphill Climb

With the help of the above resources, that rounds out the update as far as world developments and my understanding over the last several years. The rest of the posts have all had at least small updates here and there (like adding more recent relevant links), with some having more major updates from their original forms years ago. There's also lots of recently added videos in Learning Resources.

Dystopia Convergence

Group Coherence Through Communication Discernment

Fake News, Abuse, & Corruption

The Importance of Voice, and Recognizing Disqualification

Backfire Effect (Restigmatize Psychopathy)

Victim or Creator: Critical Perspective

Martin Luther King


Public Sphere (or the Public's Fear?)

Cohere and See

Convinced to Wince: Entertainment or Enslavement?

Just Kickin' It: Punting Heads Out Of The Sand

Gratitude Attitude

Optimistic Skeptic

Integrate Integrity

Jesus and his Religion - Alan Watts

Many Things in Few Words: Addressed to Those Who Think

Learning Resources